Monday, June 27, 2005
Bone Lover 'n Musical Baton
I'm a bone lover. Anykind of bones, chicken bones, lamb bones, beef bones, even fish bones (but not human bones for, don't be afraid, my friends LOL). If I eat chicken...I'll chose the back part, the wing or even the head 'n the 'ceker' =D. For lamb...of course it makes me love lamb chop 'n ribs to death. 'N I also love ox tail. Oh, 'n for fish...I love the head 'n almost-the edge of the tail. Actually, it's the little part sticked to the bone which make me always carried away, hahaha.
I don't know when I started to be a bone lover, but I can tell you that it runs in the family. My mom 'n my sister are bone lovers as well. Only my brother is a meat lover...that's why my sister 'n I prefer to share eating with him instead of sharing each other hehehe. sister 'n I can fight for the bones. Last time when I went back home in Jkt, she always took dinner later than me coz she worked till a bit late. Usually we separate the part of foods for the ones who'll be late in meal time. By this, nobody will get no food even if they're, no complain at the end. But for my sister, the complain was different. She'd complain if the food we separated for her contained lots of meat instead of bones..."Why all of the chicken parts I get here is meat?" LOL. It might sound funny, but yes...we love bones more than meat =p. But for my brother...meat is everything. He'll be upset if we left him the wing or the back part of the chicken (which ofcourse never happened, since we'll gladly choose these parts for ourselves LOL).
Before I got married 'n moved here, I worked in a project with a team which all the engineers there were girls. There were 4 of us...'n ALL of us love bones. Only with different reasons...the 3 of us love to eat them 'n the other one loves to take them home for her cat LOL LOL. So, yes...we also fought for the bones 'n we tried to finish till almost nothing left before the bones could be collected for the cat, hiahiahia (jahat bener yak =p).
Then it comes to my hubby. At first, he always felt strange why I kept the meat away 'n collected the bones instead. Till I told him that I love to eat bones more than meat. Even he still can't understand what interesting in eating bones, but he can accept my habit. 'N now, he always eats the meat 'n leave the bones 'unclean' to give them to me, hehehe.
'N theeeen...coming to this


Yup...he starts to love eating bones already LOL LOL
MUSICAL it from Inta in Dorteweil-Germany (makasih yaaaa =)). Now, let's see what I have:
*Total music files in my laptop...hehehe, ZERO. Yup, there's NO musical files in my laptop. It's because this laptop is old era laptop 'n works quiet slowly, so I don't wanna put big files sucha song files in it =)
*Last CD/Cassette I bought...hmm, been long time I think. I bought 2 lullaby cassettes 'n 1 playsong cassette when Youssof was still 3 mos. For parents sent me Tasya's CD also when Youssof was 3 mos. Told you, been long time =p
*Song which's being played song. I'm listening to radio right now...'n since it's egyptian radio, so they play arabic songs. But it's advertising time =D.
*5 mostly listened songs...nothing spesific, since we get used to listen to radio. Maybe what so often is just a lullaby song Youssof always wants us to humming it if he's about to sleep =p (he'll humm the song by himself if we don't start LOL LOL)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Previous Posting 'n Weekend
Still related to the previous posting...this is the reason why my weight keeps climbing up =pTomorrow is already weekend here. 'N we'll be having lunch together with hubby's family, just like last weekend. Yup...another 'makan2' coz hubby's lil brother and his family are coming from Syria for holiday. 'N what's your plan for spending your weekend, guys? 'Makan2' like me also? Or going out with your family? Or just staying home? Enjoy it anyway...'n have a very nice weekend for you all =)
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Antara Diriku dan Diet
Gara2 si 'I LOVE YOU' ini (huahaha, nama loe jd asik gini ya nek ;p) ngebahas soal kelebihan berat, jd pengen crita soal diet. thing that mostly girls ever do it. Hmm...knapa ya, diet itu lekat dgn cewek walopun gak sdikit jg cowok yg bdiet.
Niweys, yg gw pengen critain disini tuh ttg gw 'n diet itu. Gw tuh sejak mulai menstruasi sampe hari gini gak pernah langsing. Gak tau krn emang gwnya doyan makan atow prubahan hormon tuh ada pengaruhnya jg. Yg jelas...even I've never been slim, I never felt bothered to make diet. Berat gw pernah turun banyak pas lg tugas akhir kuliah. Bukan krn diet tp gara2 kejar target wisuda April 98, jd bener2 konsen sama tugas 'n suka lupa makan. Ditambah pula saat ngerjain tugas akhir itu, gw sempet kena diare yg parah blakang tiap 5 menit, gmana gak parah coba. Wkt itu berat gw turun sampe 7 kilo dlm 2 bln huhuhuuuu (antara seneng 'n gak jg hehe).
Cuman berat sgitu btahan sbentar aja. Pas gw dah kerja, ya naek lg...lbh banyak malah naeknya huahaha. Sampe pas gw mo' merit baru gw diet...biar kliatan cantik pas hari H =p. Wkt itu gw diet rendah karbohidrat plus olahraganya BL (Body Language). Ditambah gw mkonsumsi pil pelangsing. Gak banyak jg gw turunnya, 4 kilo dlm sebulan. 'N berat gw balik lg stelah nikah.
Slama bbrp waktu stelah gw nikah, berat gw gtu2 aja...gak turun 'n gak naek jg. Tp trus krn lama gw 'n hubby usaha utk punya anak, jd gw kepikir utk diet. Selain krn baca2 di int'net klo obesitas itu salah satu faktor penghambat kehamilan, jg krn gw gak pengen pas mulai hamil berat gw over. So, bdietlah gw.
Diet gw tetep spt sblmnya, rendah karbohidrat...krn emang gw ngerasanya ini yg cocok utk gw. Ditambah kali ini dgn rendah kalori jg...1000-1200 kalori. Jd gw cuman makan nasi/pasta/roti/kentang 2-3x sminggu. Sumber karbohidrat gw dihari2 yg lain cuman dr buah2an. Gw jg ngebatasin asupan gula 2 sdt per hari. Trus gw brusaha banyak olah raga...paling enggak 5-6x seminggu, antara lain jalan cepet, jogging, sepedahan 'n di rumah BL sama make' total gym gtu. Gw jg minum slimming tea, 2-3x sehari...just to help my metabolism, reducing water retention. 'N yg paling penting buwat gw, minum air putih 1.5-2L setiap hari.
Dgn diet diatas, gw bhasil turun 15 kilo dlm jangka waktu kira2 6 bln. Cuman 6 bln itu gw gak terus2an diet. Jd stelah turun 7 kilo dlm waktu 1.5 bln, gw istirahat slama 1 bln gak diet. Maksud gw disini utk cheating badan gw 'n menstabilkan berat gw. Krn klo diet terus2an tuh suka ada satu saat dimana berat stagnan gtu. Truuuss, gw ulangin lg sampe pas gw dah turun 15 kilo itu taunya gw hamil...jd brenti deh dietnya (gak boleh diterusin sama hubby =( ).
Gtu deh, crita soal gw 'n diet. Intinya sih kita bisa nurunin berat badan atow ngejaga berat kita klo kebiasaan makan kita bener. 'N diet tuh seharusnya ngerubah kebiasaan makan mjadi kebiasaan makan yg sehat. Gak ngemil, brenti makan 3 jam sblm tidur, paling bagus makan sering dgn porsi kecil (tp bkn ngemil...makan 5x dgn porsi kecil lbh bagus drpd mkn 3x dgn porsi raksasa hahaha) 'n jgn lupa minum air putih yg banyak (minimal 1.5L per hari). Samaaa...olah raga (pasti ini yg berat yaaa =D).
Trus hrs mulai diet lageeee hehehe. Anybody wants to accompany? =p
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Males + Marah2 + Sedih = PMS?
Huhuuu...lg males ngapa2in, bawaannya klo gak marah2 ya sedih. Gak tau knp. Mungkin gak sih gara2 PMS? Pengen komplen, komplen kmanaaaa jg ya. Dulu2 wkt msh kuliah, klo PMS dah menyerang (ih, perang kaleee =D) biasanya sore2 langsung ganti baju, pake' kaos + short 'n spatu basket...trus brangkat deh ke lapangan, maen basket sama temen2.' olah raga musti bawa jagoan kecil 'n itu jg musti nunggu agak gelap, klo gak panassss bo'.
Duh, gak penting bgt deh postingannya. Gara2 PMS jg nih (trus aja PMS dijadiin alesyan hehe), jd blank. Ya udah ah, drpd bikin bete yg baca (siapa jg yg baca, ge-er ajah =p)...mending udah dulu, 'ntar klo dah agak calm down baru nulis lg. O ya, tp ngomong2...ada resep manjur gak sih buwat ngadepin PMS ky gene?
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Update Lg Deh...Akhirnyaaa =D
Makasih, makasih 'n makasiiiih...bgt buwat temen2 atas phatian 'n ungkapan belasungkawanya. It means so much for me 'n my family...trutama buwat gw yg gak bisa brada bsama kluarga gw disaat2 sulit mjelang kpergian bokap. Thx a lot, guys...may Allah return your kindness more than I could do.
Tdnya gw mo' updet dgn crita mengenai almarhum bokap. Tp tnyata gw gak bisa. Gak tau knp, mulai mikirnya aja udah bikin gw mo' nangis lg. 'Ntar2 kali ya, after sometimes. Kdg skrg2 tuh msh ky gak percaya klo blio dah gak ada. Bknnya gw gak bisa nerima kenyataan ya,'s just like something missing.
Udah ah, mending crita2 soal yg laen aja.' msk apa ya gw hr ini? Kdg bingung klo mikirin mo' msk apa. Klo buwat diri gw sendiri sih gak susah lah, kdg gw lg pengen apa gtu...ya gw bikin. Cuman klo dah menyangkut org lain, in this case is my father in law, suka rada bingung. Bingungnya krn blio tuh jrg bisa share makanan yg gw pengen. Soalnya klo gak pedes, ya pasti masakan Indonesia. Smentara bokap mertua tuh gak bisa sama skali mkn yg pedes2. 'N jg blio tuh bkn org yg suka nyobain makanan slain makanan Mesir...just like mostly Egyptians (my hubby is an exception in this case...well, since he got married with me LOL). Jd klo gw lg pengen mkn yg pedes2 atow masakan Indonesia, brarti gw hrs msk doble...krn tetep musti msk makanan Mesir. Repot jg kdg, apalagi klo gw lg gak mood di dpr. Untungnya org sini tuh mkn berat cuman pas lunch ajah, jd gw repot msknya jg cuman skali. Apalagi biasanya gw msk skali byk gtu, jd bisa buwat 2-3 kali mkn siang.
Niweys, back to what I should cook py ati sapi, daging 'n kacang kedele. Any suggestion, guys? =p