Saturday, December 16, 2006
Another Intermezzo
One morning, Youssof asked for a cup of juice but I told him that it's finish. Later at night...
Youssof: A...Ma! A...
Me: *busy in the komputer*...A...
Youssof: B...
Me: B...C...
Youssof: C...
Me: D...E... (till the letter I Youssof still kept following)
Me: ...J...
Youssof: J...Josss (means juice)...abisss (seems that he still remember that the juice was finish)
Me: *laughing to death*


Oneday, Youssof played in his Geddo (=grandpa)'s room.
Geddo: Khalid!! *calling hubby*
Youssof: Hali!!
Youssof: *running to the living room* Hali...Hali!!
Hubby: Na'am?! (=yes or what)
Youssof: Ta'aya (means ta'ala = come here)
Me: *sigh*


One time, Youssof was taking a bath.
Me: Adek...sudah?
Youssof: Gak mau!
Me: *entering the bathroom* Sudah?
Youssof: No!
Me: *leaving the towel on the washing machine*
Youssof: (seems that he still thought that I'd take him out) No no...don't touch..
Me: Okay *trying to hold my laughter*


One night, Youssof sat beside his toys bucket with a broken headphone around his neck.
Youssof: allo *pretending that his on the phone*
Youssof: aiwa (=yes)? zayyak? (suppose to be ezayyak = how are you?)
Youssof: hammuyah ( suppose to be alhamdolellah) *as if someone asked him "how're you" back*
Youssof: ...bla bla..(I couldn't really catch it)
Youssof: ok...salaam...salaam (the way people here ending a phone call)
Youssof: bye..
Me: *grinning*


Sori ya temans, utk yg suka mampir...blm ada apdetan aja nih. Lg agak sibuk diusahain ngintip2 blog klean kok. Thx for visiting yaaah...miss u all thou.


At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huahhahaa.. yg pertama kocak. Sekalian minta beliin lg tuh si Yufas.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Wina said...

Hahahaha.. akalnya ada2 aja yah teh...

kenapa yah anak2 suka banged maen telpon.. heiraan

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Alex Ramses said...

hehehe asik ya anak kecil,, meski kadang nyebelin kalau lagi rewel nangis terus. Anak kecil kebanyakan emang suka ngopi apa yang diliatnya dari orang dewasa. tapi yagn paling sering ktia liat emang gaya nelfon itu. I

ngat dulu ada temen yang punya anak kecil,, sering hpku bunyi aku kira temen itu nelfon,, ternyata si kecil yang lagi pegang hp dan kepencet call nomorku.

Sayang gak ada foto youssof-nya.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wakakakaka... J.. Jos abisss!!! :P

At 6:47 PM, Blogger si inot said...

lucu abis ... hehehe..

At 2:23 AM, Blogger Tanti said...

Tambah lucu aja sih Ri, Youssof ini ... banyak akal ... niru siapa hayyoooo ...

Mau ultah yah ... nggak terasa tahu2 sudah mau 3 tahun ... saatnya dikasih adik tuh Ri. ;)

Pa khabar ? *hugs*

At 3:12 AM, Blogger Bunda Reva said...

hahaha... yang juice itu kocak abiss :))

ria, anak2 kalo niruin org dewasa nelpon emang lucu ya hehe. aku juga sering ketawa sendiri denger reva pura2 nelpon pake hp :D

At 4:31 PM, Blogger indie said...

Waaaaa.... akhirnya update jugaaaa. Senengggg. Kayak aku sendiri sering update ajah nih *wink.
Lucu-lucu ceritanya. Youssof ngegemesin banget dehhhh.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Ophi Nurwicaksono said...

huhauhauhauhauaaa ucup makin lucu aja, masih suka mainin emoticon cuppp...

manaa manaa blog gua belum diintip..hihihi pdhl kmrn abis bahas leyot yak..

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Bunda RaRa said...

mirip merk minuman.. extra joss?!?!? hehehe

btw, sama ri, g juga sedikit menelantarkan blog.. cuman klo ada topik hangat aja gatel pgn komen baru log in..

At 2:38 PM, Blogger NiLA Obsidian said...

aiihh ucup makin gemesinnn...deh....

fotonya dong...fotonya ucup...
salam dari ghani n aurel yaaa

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hihihihi... udah beli lg kan ya jusnya :-)
wa bisa 3 bahasa youssuf niy... kerrren...
mb ria lg banyak project ya?

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In baru Juice nanti pas sampai pada urutan huruf "L" trus Youssof bilang : "Laptop" - nah lho!?? - Ibunya langsung kelenger deh - Youssof minta dibeliken Laptop :)

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheheh... anak lo lucu amat. pasti karena dia belajar dari gue (lucunya) :P heheheheh....


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