One afternoon, playing tricycle downstairs at the lot of the apartment building.
1st scene:'s fun playing tricycle here.2nd scene: Boring...I'll just walk it around.
3rd scene: to bring it up here?
4th scene: Huh, it's better to leave it by itself 'n playing other thing.
Oneday in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the lil monster.
Me: *holding egg*
Youssof: mau, mau...mau, Ma.
Me: ok, I'll make this egg for you.
Youssof: ett?
Me: yes, this is egg. E.E.G.G.G *trying to pronounce it slowly*
Youssof: egg...nine...ten *clapping hands*
Me: no, no, that one is eight...this is egg, not eight. E.E.G.G.G...
Youssof: egg...nine...ten *clapping hands*
Me: *sigh*
One morning, trying to prepare the PC for Youssof.
Me: be patient...I'll start it for you, ok?
Youssof: Lala...Lalaaa...*pointing to the monitor*
Me: yes, I'll bring Lala (teletubbies) for you.
Youssof: Lala...ok?
Me: ok.
Youssof: OK?
Me: okay.
Youssof: shatiiii (suppose to be shatir=clever=pinter) *clapping hands*
Me: huh???? *sigh*
Me: be patient...I'll start it for you, ok?
Youssof: Lala...Lalaaa...*pointing to the monitor*
Me: yes, I'll bring Lala (teletubbies) for you.
Youssof: Lala...ok?
Me: ok.
Youssof: OK?
Me: okay.
Youssof: shatiiii (suppose to be shatir=clever=pinter) *clapping hands*
Me: huh???? *sigh*
Deuuu ucup udah bisa plesetan euy,
Egg nine ten :D
Ri, itu proses menghapus riasan dimukanya gimana tuh ri? boleh diapus gak?
mba ria, daku gabisa liat foto yousuf... :( pengen liat dong dengan mba ria juga...bole dong mba skali2 di publish di photobucket, soalnya disininongol hehe... maap ya mba cerewet
Hihihi... kids say the darndest things deh :D
Apa tuh? Panda? Raccoon? Eman2, ganteng2 kok di face paint.. Rambut Yousuf tuh ikal ya, Ri?
hehehe cerdas... egg nine ten :D
soal sepeda, kalo itu reva pasti dia marah2 bukan ditinggalin hehe.
egg, nine, ten ....
hehehehe, pernah sekali pas harris gak tau keracun dari mana, tiba tiba ngomong 'shit, shit ...',.... langsung gue plesetin ...
itu ngomongnya 'shitdown, harris' hehehehehe, sampe sekarang kalo ngomong sitdown, jadi 'shitdown', hehehehe
Eh, kok sepi aja tuh di halaman luar? Anak2 laen mana? apa msh pd tidur kali yah.. keluarnya jam 7 malem hihihi..
Br inget gara2 elo nulis Lala..kemaren gue nyanyi Lalalala.. si Omar nyahut LA! No! Aiiih, his first arabic word :D
Yosuuf...benar deh anak pintar...apa ngak geli dilukis gitu..he..he..
Aku paling suka liat teh ria cerita dengan gaya begini.. very entertaining..
emang yah anak seusia Yousuf ini lagi lucu2 nya tapi ngeseling juga kadang2
hahaha kecil2 dah maen pelesetan
ada aja akalnya anak2...
gambar apa ya? kek pernah liat deh sebelumnya...???
hiiiiii gemezin yak...:) betah amat mukanya di coret2 gitu...
hahaha... lucu... pinter plesetan jg ya :D
aduh ngegemesin amat sih..
Udah tinggal aja sepedahnya, minta motor ato mobil ke mama ya..
ten ..nine..eggg...
Ya ampun Ri ... pinter banget sih Youssof ... tapi tetep aja lucu & nggemesin. Eight = egg (kadang gue dengernya agak2 sama juga kok ;)) ... hihihii ... dah banyak ngomongnya ternyata ... hayyooo ... hayyooo, tambah sabar ngeladeninnya. ;)
Itu yang face painting, kok bisa diam sih ? H tuh yang suka ... R, belum sampai kuasnya deket muka ... sudah kabur dia. :P
egg... nine.. ten... *lol*
ya ampunnnnn ria...
karunya atuh eta yousuf? meni didandanin gitu duhhh
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