Friday, November 30, 2007
Youssof Gondrong

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Laughter is Good =D
Dear hubby is out of town for a week. Miss him already, but InshaAllah he'll be home by tomorrow night. Niweys, he called me today 'n it just made my day. Not that he called me actually, coz we call each other few times a day. It's the story he told me that made me laugh like crazy. He's been annoyed by someone since missed calls 'n sms. So finally hubby replied the sms, only with few short words need to be said. 'N guess what, this morning that person sent sms again, saying "Khalid, you sent me msg but it wasn't delivered". See how that story could make my day? I just can be speechless...but finally *ROFL* (=Roll On the Floor Laughing).
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hello World =D
Hai smuaaaa...apa kbr nih? Smoga yg pd mampir di blog ini *pede mode on* gak jd bete yaaaah, dikarenakan ketiadaan *halah* kabar britanya. Still busy busy busy...ketimbun kerjaan *alhamdulillah*. Udah ah, apdetannya jg gak penting gini. Just wanna say hi to all my blogger friends...biar kliatan klo msh ada ini blognya hihi. Klik2 aja crita2 lama...lumayan lah utk referensi klo mau maen2 ksini =p. Atow gak ya tinggalin aja msg di shoutbox ;). C y'all!! *kiss kiss from the land of pharaoh*